EOS 3D Surgical Planning Tools

3D surgical planning solutions from EOS imaging enable physicians to define surgical targets and optimize implant selection and position for each patient in need of spine or total joint replacement surgeries.

EOS imaging provides EOSapps: a full suite of online 3D surgical planning tools powered by weight-bearing EOS images and patient-specific 3D models and datasets. EOSapps allows physicians to exploit the unique characteristics of EOS and EOSedge images that translate in an accurate implant selection in scale 1:1.

Our 3D surgical planning solutions allow physicians to simulate 3D surgical post-operative results, including the evaluation of the patient’s anatomy restoration. This solution empowers orthopedic surgeons with new insights to support planning and care outcomes across surgical procedures while enabling facilities to improve their implant inventory management.

Introducing EOSapps

EOSapps is a suite of online, open platform 3D surgical planning tools based on weight-bearing EOS images and patient-specific 3D models. These tools give surgical teams access to each patient’s unique anatomical information in 3D, allowing them to simulate the effects of various implant positions and selections for spine and total joint replacement procedures.
hipEOS is a web-based 3D surgical planning tool for primary total hip arthroplasties. Its powerful combination of standing and sitting EOS images, 3D models, and measurements allows physicians to identify an abnormal spino-pelvic relationship. This information combined with 3D planning and simulation tools assists surgeons with the optimization of implants sizes and positions with the aim to improve surgical outcomes.
spineEOS is a 3D surgical planning software dedicated to pediatric and adult spine cases. spineEOS provides a 3D pre-operative assessment of each patient including a full body sagittal balance analysis. Physicians can plan their surgeries with a better understanding of patients frontal and sagittal alignment, including compensatory mechanisms in pelvis and lower limbs. 3D models provide valuable information in deformity patients through axial plane measurements including rotations of each vertebrae. spineEOS provides tools to accurately simulate and plan procedures in 3D-including osteotomies, selecting and positioning of interbody cages, and design of spinal rods.


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The EOS solution refers to the following medical devices manufactured by EOS imaging:
- EOSedge
- sterEOS workstation
and to the following medical devices:
- EOSapps refer to hipEOS and spineEOS

Outsourced 3D modeling uses the FDA cleared sterEOS workstation and does not provide diagnostic or treatment recommendations. The 3D information proposed by outsourced 3D modeling is limited to the intended use of the sterEOS workstation. The sterEOS workstation is intended for use in the fields of musculoskeletal radiology and orthopedics in both pediatric and adult populations as a general device for acceptance, transfer, display, storage, and digital processing of 2D X-ray images of the musculoskeletal system including interactive 2D measurement tools. When using 2D X-ray images obtained with the EOS imaging systems, the sterEOS workstation provides interactive 3D measurement tools.

Please read carefully the labeling provided with the devices.
Caution: US Federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.