EOS 3D Modeling
EOS biplanar images can be translated into patient-specific 3D models of the spine, pelvis, and lower limbs. This capability, unique to EOS imaging solutions, delivers 3D modeling and associated accurate clinical parameters from ALADA exams. It aims to support physicians in the assessment of musculoskeletal pathologies and identification of treatment options to improve clinical outcomes.
Key Benefits
EOS images, together with 3D models and accurate associated clinical parameters, deliver unique information allowing to better understand patient's anatomy in a functional weight bearing position.
Fast 3D modeling workflows dedicated to "in-house" processing combined with the option to outsource advanced 3D modeling allow to streamline the access to unique 3D information along a patient's care pathway.
3D modeling created by EOS imaging helps physicians engage with patients to explain their diagnosis or treatment options. After each exam, patients can be provided with their report including EOS images, 3D models and associated parameters for better understanding of their conditions.
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Connect with us now to explore how EOS imaging can support your facility, hospital, or practice in the treatment of your patients—or to learn more about our comprehensive solutions.
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The EOS solution refers to the following medical devices manufactured by EOS imaging:
- EOSedge- sterEOS workstation
and to the following medical devices:
- EOSapps refer to hipEOS and spineEOSOutsourced 3D modeling uses the FDA cleared sterEOS workstation and does not provide diagnostic or treatment recommendations. The 3D information proposed by outsourced 3D modeling is limited to the intended use of the sterEOS workstation. The sterEOS workstation is intended for use in the fields of musculoskeletal radiology and orthopedics in both pediatric and adult populations as a general device for acceptance, transfer, display, storage, and digital processing of 2D X-ray images of the musculoskeletal system including interactive 2D measurement tools. When using 2D X-ray images obtained with the EOS imaging systems, the sterEOS workstation provides interactive 3D measurement tools.
Please read carefully the labeling provided with the devices.
Caution: US Federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.